The Top 5 Happy Eco News Stories for July 11, 2022

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The Top 5 Happy Eco News Stories for July 11, 2022

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This week we have a guest post by Kevin Albin, a writer and author who tells us about the coping mechanisms he uses when dealing with climate anxiety. We also have stories about the world’s largest carbon capture plant, Canada’s single-use plastic ban, France’s first offshore wind farm, Nestle’s mission to be environmentally sustainable, and Argentina’s rewilding story.

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Guest Post by: Kevin Albin, writer and author

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Climate anxiety or eco-anxiety, or any type of anxiety, is not healthy for us. I come from an any-problem-can-be-solved type of background. I was a police officer in the UK for 25 years and then a mountain guide, working across the globe. So, when I started to get active in the climate crisis, I thought to myself, we’ve got this; we’ll have this cracked in no time. Now, many years on, I exist between anxiety and deep frustration, but I’ve learnt some coping mechanisms along the way.

Knowledge is everything in my book, so I took to learning through the many online courses, UNCC Learn do a whole range. I also trained as a Climate Reality Leader under the former Vice President Al Gore and his team. A really informative course. They ask for ten acts of leadership in the first year, which gave me some real purpose: writing articles and making presentations from the material they supply. Guesting on podcasts has been great fun, and all done from the comfort of home…[read more].

Happy Eco News Weekly Top 5

  1. World’s Largest Carbon Capture Plant Switched On In Iceland

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  • The world’s largest carbon removal facility has been switched on in Iceland.
  • The plant, Orca, can remove 4000 tons of CO2 from the air each year.
  • The captured carbon dioxide is dissolved in water and buried deep inside basalt rock formations…[read more].

2. Canada Will Ban Harmful Plastics By End Of Year

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  • Canada has announced that they will ban harmful plastics by the end of the year.
  • These single-use plastics will include: grocery bags, plastic cutlery, ring carries, stir sticks and most straws.
  • Manufacturing of these plastics will end in December 2022…[read more].

3. France Produces Offshore Wind Power For the First Time

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  • The Saint-Naizaire offshore wind farm in western France has produced the first megawatt-hours from French offshore wind.
  • France is expected to have 50 offshore wind turbines installed by 2050.
  • These wind turbines will have a total capacity of 40 GW and will help slow down the development of onshore wind power…[read more].

4. Nestlé Has Cut Greenhouse Gases by 4 Million Tons Since 2018. How?

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  • Nestle’s mission is to be environmentally sustainable and is working towards net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Some of the things the company is doing to achieve are by working with 500 000 farmers and 150 000 suppliers to make plant-based food beverages and reformulating their practices to make them more environmentally friendly.
  • The company is also on target to ensure 800 sites in 187 countries are green by 2025…[read more].

5. How to Rewild a Country: The Story of Argentina

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  • Qaramta is Argentina’s largest known jaguar and is the great hope of conservationists trying to turn the tide on decades of decline for the jaguar in Argentina.
  • In 2021,  a wild giant river otter appeared in El Impenetrable national park and was the first time giant otters had been recorded since the 1980s.
  • Red macaws have also made a comeback as a pair bred for the first time in the wild last year…[read more].

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