About Happy Eco News

About Happy Eco News

Happy Eco News provides readers with positive information about the environment and the people working to improve it. Founded on January 1, 2018, by environmental activist Grant Brown, it was intended to counteract the near-constant drip of negative environmental news on social media.

Very little is being said in the mainstream about the people facing today’s environmental challenges and taking them head-on. These people are scientists, artists, writers, moms, students, business people, investors, and even some politicians. They are your parents, grandparents, and your siblings. They are your sons and daughters. They are from developing nations and wealthy ones alike.

They work tirelessly, often for little or no reward. Sometimes, they pay the ultimate price.

I believe their work matters and should be shared. Their stories deserve to be told, their names known, and their faces remembered.

Happy Eco News Manifesto.

Contact Happy Eco News

General Inquiries

Happy Eco News
#251 – 5307 Victoria Drive
Vancouver, BC V5P 3V6
Email: info@happyeconews.com
Phone: +1 (778) 819-2613

Editorial Inquiries

Would you like to write for Happy Eco News? Do you have a question or comment about the editorial content on Happy Eco News? Please send inquiries to editor@happyeconews.com.

Content Manager

Our content manager is overworked, underpaid, and dedicated to the cause. An integral part of our business. Do you need to know when your article will be published? When there is a gap in the publishing schedule? Email content@happyeconews.com.

Sales Inquiries

Want to advertise on Happy Eco News? We welcome advertising inquiries from like-minded companies and organizations. Please reach out to sales@happyeconews.com.

Are you looking to greenwash a carbon-intensive or otherwise destructive company? Please email piss_off@happyeconews.com.

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Do you owe us money? Do we owe you money? Please send our bookkeeper an email at accouting@happyeconews.com.

Media and Podcast Inquiries

We love traditional media and non-traditional media. Some would say we are a media-wh*re; we call it PR.

Grant Brown does most of the PR and guest appearances. For some background info, please check out his podcast bio: Grant Brown Podcast Bio.

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