Promoting Sustainable Living: Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse Shares Tips For Making Eco-Friendly Decisions At Home, Work, Or In The Community

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Promoting Sustainable Living: Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse Shares Tips For Making Eco-Friendly Decisions At Home, Work, Or In The Community

As individuals, we all want to do our part in taking care of the planet. Making eco-friendly decisions is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment. Here are simple tips from green expert Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse you can use at home, work, or in your community to make more sustainable choices. 

Promoting Sustainable Living: Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse Shares Tips For Making Eco-Friendly Decisions At Home, Work, Or In The Community
Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse Shares Tips For Making Eco-Friendly Decisions. Image: Unsplash

Reduce Your Energy Usage

Look for areas around your house that might be using too much energy. This could include leaving lights on when not needed or running appliances that aren’t necessary. Try switching off devices when not in use and unplug them if you can. 

Another great way to reduce energy usage is to switch out regular light bulbs for LED bulbs which are much more efficient and last longer.

Reduce Your Use Of Single-Use Plastics 

Single-use plastic is one of the most significant contributors to global waste and pollution. They are everywhere, from water bottles to straws, and they take hundreds of years to decompose. 

To reduce your use of single-use plastics, try using reusable containers instead. If you need a straw, opt for a metal or bamboo option that will last longer than a single-use plastic one. 

Shop Locally

Shopping locally helps reduce carbon emissions by reducing the distance products travel from production to store shelves or directly into consumers’ hands. It also helps support local businesses and stimulate economic growth within your community, so it’s a win-win! 

Reuse & Recycle

Recycling helps conserve resources by reducing landfill waste while providing materials that can be reused in new products. These include paper towels made from recycled paper products or plastic water bottles created using recycled plastic instead of creating them from scratch using virgin materials each time they are used again.

Additionally, recycling helps create jobs in sorting facilities and production plants using recycled material in manufacturing. It creates economic benefits throughout entire communities near and far from where those materials were initially collected.   

Choose Sustainable Products

When shopping for new items such as furniture, clothing, or electronics, look for brands that prioritize sustainability by using recycled materials or sustainable practices in their production processes, like reducing water usage and waste recycling efforts. This will help you feel better about what you buy and encourage other companies to adopt similar practices.

Conserve Water & Energy

Conserving water and energy is another important way to protect our environment while reducing monthly costs. Installing low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets can save up to 20% on monthly water usage, while using LED lights instead of incandescent bulbs can result in savings on annual lighting costs! Additionally, unplugging electronic devices when not in use can help reduce electricity consumption by up to 10%.

Utilize Natural Light

During daylight hours, turn off your lights and take advantage of natural light coming into your home or office space whenever possible. Not only will this reduce your need for artificial lighting, but it can also help set a mood of calmness and productivity throughout the day. 

Eat Responsibly

Eating food produced locally helps reduce emissions from transportation while supporting farmers within your community. Also, consider eating organic foods, which are grown with fewer pesticides than conventionally grown foods, as this reduces exposure to potentially harmful chemicals in conventional produce and animal products. Lastly, buying fresh foods over processed helps avoid extra packaging, which can add up quickly throughout the year!

Get Involved

One of the most impactful and rewarding things we can do for our communities is to promote sustainable living. There are many ways to get involved, from doing something as simple as sorting your trash into recyclables and composting to engaging in more ambitious projects that contribute to sustainability on a larger scale.

There are many causes related to environmental sustainability that need support from individuals for them to succeed. Do some research online or join local green initiatives run by organizations like Greenpeace or Sierra Club so you can actively participate in making a positive difference in your community.

Whether you wish to start a green energy program, create social initiatives like beach cleanups, or advocate for green policies with local decision-makers, there are countless ways to make a real difference and contribute positively to your community. Consider getting involved today and help bring meaningful change in your neighborhood.

Walk Or Bike Whenever Possible 

The last tip is to walk or bike whenever possible instead of driving a car or taking public transport—especially short distances like trips around town or running errands! Not only does it help reduce air pollution, but it allows you to get some fresh air too! 

Additionally, if you need public transportation, look for routes powered by renewable energy sources such as electric buses or solar trains — this helps further reduce greenhouse gas emissions! 

Final Thoughts

Making eco-friendly decisions doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming! By implementing these tips from expert Vikki Gerrard Of La Crosse into your daily life at home, work, or within your community, you can significantly preserve our planet’s resources while still living comfortably!

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