Living Sustainably – Movement Tips To Keep You In Tune With Nature

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Living sustainably is a choice that everyone needs to make consciously every day. Most people do not intend to cause any harm to the environment but make no effort to prevent harm or protect the environment. Most of the decisions people make are based on the affordability or economic benefit of that option, convenience, and suitability to their needs. Only a few environmentally conscious people include sustainability as one of the considerations behind their decisions. 

free photo of people walking in a park in autumn Living Sustainably - Movement Tips To Keep You In Tune With Nature

Source: Pexels

It’s important to reflect on sustainability and our own contribution to or against it. The tendency to be responsible and choose a sustainable way of living will grow only when you feel more connected to nature. These movement tips will help you be more in tune with nature: 

Go Trekking and Hiking

Trekking and hiking are both adventurous activities. Through both of these activities, you will be able to explore the beauty of nature on foot. Since hiking is for a shorter period (a day or overnight) and on marked trails and paths, it is perfect for beginners. Trekking is more arduous; it is meant for venturing further and connecting more deeply with nature. 

image 1 Living Sustainably - Movement Tips To Keep You In Tune With Nature

Source: Pexels

A 2017 study found that not only does outdoor hiking have a more positive effect on health, but it also seems less tiring and more calming to the participants as compared to an indoor treadmill version. 

When you set out on a hike or trek, pay particular attention to the sounds of the earth underneath, the birds and the insects, as well as the wind blowing through various leaves. Speak only as much as is necessary on your journey since it’s challenging to focus on nature when you’re talking. Focus all of your senses on one thing, such as a rock, flower, or tree, and be mindful of the way it feels, smells, and looks.

Try walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil; it allows you to experience the textures and sensations of the Earth in a more profound way. 

Exercise Outdoors

‘Green’ exercise can help you become healthier as you enjoy your time outdoors. It will be a productive use of your time outdoors. Use your creativity and incorporate nature into your workout. Do your bodyweight exercises out in nature’s gym. If you are stretching, you could use a tree as support. Check out Outwork Nutrition for workout supplements backed by science.

Take your yoga practice outdoors; it will help heighten your awareness and boost the benefits of your workout. Meditating outdoors (near trees) can have therapeutic benefits. Remind yourself of the interconnectedness of each of your breaths and the trees in your surroundings; trees pull in the carbon dioxide you breathe out and produce the oxygen that you take in. Using an extra large yoga mat to ensure comfort and stability will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the experience without distractions.

Explore nature-based activities: 

Participate in activities that take place in natural environments such as swimming, kayaking, and rock climbing.  These activities combine movement with immersion in nature, enhancing your overall experience. Camping can take you away from the hustle and bustle of city life and deeper into the arms of nature. You could even learn to identify and locate edible plants in a process called food foraging. 

Keep a nature journal: 

Use a journal to document your escapades in nature. Record your observations and reflections about them. Sketch or write about the sights, sounds, and feelings you experience. Such a journal will become a treasured resource filled with information and insight. It will help you make better and more informed decisions. 

Practice mindfulness and engage your senses while you are outdoors:

Be fully present in the moment while you move. Explore movement that engages your senses. This sensory immersion enhances your connection to the natural world.

While out and about in nature, do remember to clean up after yourself, and avoid disturbing wildlife and plants. It will take conscious efforts to strengthen your relationship with nature, but the results will be beneficial for you as well as for the environment.

Green Transportation

The freshly improved and deeper bond with nature will change the way you think about most things. You’ll naturally start looking for (and adopting) more sustainable transportation methods. Going with ‘green’ transportation means choosing the more energy-efficient options, which produce little to no emissions. These will either have a minor to hardly any impact on the environment.

These are some of the eco-friendly ways of moving about available to you: 

The Pedestrian Way

Walking is a primeval means of transport. You can reduce your carbon footprint by increasing your footsteps. Walking also offers numerous advantages for your health and well-being. By taking a different path or course, you can experience the beauty of nature in your neighborhood. To create a shared experience, you can also invite friends or relatives.


Bicycling to work is a fantastic way to travel sustainably. Bicycling instead of driving a car significantly contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These days, bikes can be purchased for incredibly affordable prices. It costs much less than purchasing and maintaining an automobile. To be able to travel long distances on your cycle, you could increase your strength with an assault bike workout and other forms of leg exercises. 

image Living Sustainably - Movement Tips To Keep You In Tune With Nature

Source: Pexels

Green Public Transportation: 

Simply choosing public transport over private transport is not enough, although it is slightly better. Rather, if possible, go for the green public transport.

The older fleets of buses are the most polluting vehicles around. The newer and more innovative electric-powered buses, on the other hand, seem to be proving helpful for improving environmental and human health. 

Trains are also becoming more ‘green’, that is, environmentally friendly thanks to hybrid locomotives and other cutting-edge green technologies. The majority of governments around the world are now more committed than ever to promoting green transport. Renewable energy sources including geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and wind turbines are being used to generate power. 

Carpool/Multiple Occupant Vehicles

Carpooling, another name for multiple-occupant vehicles, helps to minimize pollution levels by reducing the number of vehicles on the road. When frequently traveling in the same direction, groups of friends and coworkers can share one vehicle. Using one automobile to transport all of you to your destination is much more affordable (saves money and fuel) and environmentally responsible than having five people drive their own cars in the same general direction. Undoubtedly a fantastic method to reduce your fuel consumption.

Wrapping Up

The tips in this article are meant to help you improve your connection with nature, although this journey itself is subjective and personal. Try experimenting with different approaches to find out what resonates more with you. Keep moving towards a sustainable future. The key to a better tomorrow is to get started today!

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