Making Your Business Parking Lot More Efficient

Making your business parking lot more efficient. Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Making your business parking lot more efficient. Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Making Your Business Parking Lot More Efficient

Given the number of people who drive to their jobs every day, as a business owner, you have an opportunity to make sure that people driving to work are more comfortable than ever before. Parking matters, and it’s crucial that somebody has access to a safe and reliable parking space when they are on their way to work or not. If you don’t have the best parking situation outside your office, you’re going to. 

Potentially turn off possible talent who want to come and work for your company. Parking is an amenity that you would imagine should be a given, but not every office has it. There are so many ways that you can make your current parking situation more efficient for your employees and for guests at your office. Let’s take a look below.

  1. Have designated visitor spaces. When it comes to building out the parking lot, make sure that those who are pouring the commercial concrete are adding more parking lot spaces for your guests. You want to make sure that your parking lot is as impressive as your business itself, and that starts with ensuring there are no potholes and there is enough space for visitors along with employees. You don’t have to allow your parking situation to be free for all and you can have designated visitor spaces signposted. The concrete is laid, the signs are up, and now the visitors have somewhere they can go.
  2. Make sure your employees have passes. A good way to improve the security of your parking lot is to keep it gated and include employee passes. These can be slips that workers placed under their windshields, or they can be electronic cards that people have to use to swipe in. Using that ID’s to enter, you’ll be able to see who clocks in and out at what time. You should always make sure you have printed guest passes with expiration dates as well.
  3. Build a covered section. One of the best ways that you can make sure that your business is more sustainable is to have solar panels in your car park. A covered section of your car park with solar panels will ensure that you are giving back to the environment while providing somewhere for your employees’ cars to go that means they won’t be roasting hot. At the end of the day, it creates a safer environment and protects vehicles from the elements and it also leads to better company profits.
  4. Install charging stations. Many vehicles around the world are now turning more electric than anything else, and the plan is for there to be more electric vehicles on the road in the next 10 years than there are gas guzzlers. Electric cars like Teslas still might be at a premium, but if you have charging stations ready to go, you’re going to be ahead of the curve.

Making your business parking lot more efficient leads to you having happier and more engaged employees.Don’t skip out on this one. 

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