How Can We Have a Sustainable Fall?

How can we have a sustainable fall?
Reading Time: 3 minutes

How can we have a sustainable fall? Image: Jamie D’Souza

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How can we have a sustainable fall?

As summer ends, we move into one of my favourite seasons: fall. Fall will look and feel different wherever you live, but for me, it means crisper weather, leaves changing colour, and apple and pumpkin flavours everywhere.

Unfortunately, we are currently living in a world where we consume more seasonal things to show off on our social media platforms. The desire to post new and unique content frequently can lead to a disposable mindset, where items are purchased for a single post and then discarded or replaced soon after. Not to mention the trend of “unboxing,” where people open their online purchases on camera.

Several types of waste are commonly associated with Fall/Autumn consumerism influenced by social media trends. These include purchasing new fashion collections, with people buying clothes and accessories to showcase their seasonal style. Some of what is purchased is often discarded after one wears it for social media.

Fall decorations like pumpkins, costumes, and themed table decorations are often made out of plastic and discarded after the holidays are over. Finally, as I mentioned, fall is associated with specific foods like pumpkin spice products, caramel apples, and themed baked goods. People might purchase these foods to create Instagram-worthy content, leading to over-purchasing and subsequent waste if the food isn’t fully consumed.

How can we have a sustainable fall?  Here are a few initiatives you can take:

  1. Visit a thrift shop: If you are looking to upgrade your wardrobe from summer to fall, visit a thrift shop or secondhand store. You’re likely to find something unique compared to shopping at the mall.
  2. Make your own Halloween costume: You can create a lot of great costumes out of everyday items you already own or by putting together pieces from secondhand stores.  
  3. Repurpose or reuse your decorations: Try finding different ways to make your decorations look new. Have a decoration swap with your friends. You might also find gently used Fall, Thanksgiving and Halloween decorations at your local thrift store.
  4. Try keeping temperatures down: If you own a home or rent a place where you can control the thermostat, try keeping the temperature a bit cooler than you normally do during the fall and winter months. You can keep warm with the cozy sweater you found at the thrift shop.
  5. Shop local: If you’re hosting a dinner, think about shopping at local food stores and markets. Purchase fruits and veggies that are in season. And buy only as much as you need. Ask your guests to bring Tupperware so they can bring leftovers home.
  6. Bring a reusable mug for holiday drinks: Craving a pumpkin spice latte? Bring your reusable mug to your local coffee shop. Maybe places actually offer a discount for bringing your own mug.
  7. Make use of your whole pumpkin: If you’re thinking about carving a pumpkin for Halloween, roast the seeds, make a broth with the pumpkin’s guts, and either compost your pumpkin or leave it in an open field to decompose back into the soil or place them in the woods for animals to enjoy.
  8. Leave the leaves: Avoid raking your lawn and leave the leaves until spring. Many pollinators and insects require the leaf cover to hibernate, and the leaves will also provide nutrients to your lawn.
  9. Prepare your garden for spring: Fall is a perfect time to plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers that will thrive in the upcoming seasons.
  10. Enjoy nature: Take a hike or bike ride to see the colours changing and watch the animals prepare for winter.

Fall is such a great time of year, and we should be able to enjoy it without being wasteful. Our world is filled with overconsumption, but the little steps we take, no matter the season, are ways we can reduce our impact on the world and the environment, and I promise your efforts will look great on social media.

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