Urban Gardens and Regenerative Agriculture: How Small-Scale Farms Could be the Future of Food Production

Urban Gardens and Regenerative Agriculture: How Small-Scale Farms Could be the Future of Food Production.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Urban Gardens and Regenerative Agriculture: How Small-Scale Farms Could be the Future of Food Production. Source: Unsplash

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Most people are aware, perhaps even quite excited, about the idea of starting to create their own food supply. With supermarket shortages and the weakness of global supply chains being made clear for all in this Covid era, many find comfort in the dream of one day buying their own plot of land and becoming more self-sufficient. However, for many, the costs simply outweigh the benefits. Housing prices being what they are and the seemingly endless expenses to get started are a big reason why those dreams stay dreams. In spite of this, there are many who are proving that you don’t need to spend a load of cash in order to realize those dreams into reality. 

For Michael Bell, taking care of his natural surroundings was something he always grew up with. In her small garden in Bowie, Texas, he and his grandmother were models even then of how one can secure a consistent food supply on a low budget. 30 years later, he’s doing it on his own and setting a positive example for his community and the world. On his Dallas Half Acre Farm, he utilizes easy-to-implement strategies in order to cut his operating costs and increase his yield. And he’s doing it on such a small piece of land; it’s an inspiration for those of us who have been discouraged. 

With the amount of food scarcity, in terms of quantity and nutrition, being experienced by so many, there is plenty of evidence that points towards urban farming as the way forward. Michael realized this and began selling his produce in his community, and along the way, he also realized there was a sizeable market for people willing to pay for good, quality food. And he’s not the only one, either. Dirk Tanner, out of Greenbrier, Arkansas, began watching youtube videos of small urban farms and was astonished when he realized that it’s possible to make a livable and sizeable income on a small piece of land. Following many of Michael’s techniques, he doesn’t till the land, as this degenerates the nutrition in the soil and instead emphasizes building life in the soil to create very good dirt for his plants to grow in. 

Our world today is not the same as our ancestors grew up in. It’s an unfortunate fact of reality as of now, but Michael and others believe anyone can become self-sufficient and a part of the healing and regeneration of our planet. He says nothing is more satisfying than seeing the benefits of his labour in his community. He hopes to inspire more and more people to be a part of the change in reality that will benefit themselves, their friends and family, and their communities at large. 

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