Future of Consumption Platform; Circularity or More Greenwashing?

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The Future of Consumption Platform (FCP) is a global initiative led by the World Economic Forum that claims to create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. Many environmentalists hold actions by the WEF in a dubious light because while they are adopting sustainability programmes, they are all still driving consumerism with their actions and marketing. Further, some of the companies involved also have a reputation for greenwashing, and of course, we can’t ignore the carbon footprint of the meetings themselves; hundreds of very wealthy delegates flying around the world to attend a meeting (some would say a junket) that likely could be done just as easily over the internet.

With all that in mind, it is also important to remember that while we may not agree with the companies’ histories or actions or even support them in buying their products, they do exist. They exist and have a huge impact on the environment in many ways. Therefore it is extremely important to ensure that they are finding ways of being more sustainable and understand that tomorrow’s customer is not the same as the customer of years past.

The Future of Consumption Platform

The FCP says it brings together business leaders, policymakers, consumers, and civil society organizations to develop and implement innovative solutions that address our planet’s complex challenges. One key area of focus for the FCP is the circular economy, which is an economic model that seeks to keep resources in use for as long as possible, minimizing waste and reducing the environmental impact of production and consumption.

The FCP’s Circular Economy Platform coalition comprises more than 40 leading organizations committed to advancing the circular economy worldwide. These organizations include large multinational corporations, start-ups, NGOs, and academic institutions. Each member is taking steps to promote circularity in their operations and supply chains while collaborating with other members to develop and implement circular economy solutions at scale. Here are 10 of the biggest of the coalition members and what they are doing to enable a circular economy:

  1. Accenture: Accenture is a global consulting firm helping businesses transition to a circular economy through its Circular Advantage program. Future of Consumption Platform helps companies to identify circular business opportunities, develop circular business models, and implement circular strategies across their operations and supply chains. Accenture is also working to raise awareness about the benefits of circularity through its research and thought leadership.
  2. Amazon: As one of the largest online retailers in the world, Amazon has a significant impact on the environment. The Future of Consumption Platform helps the company to reduce this impact by investing in renewable energy, minimizing packaging waste, and promoting circularity in its supply chain. For example, Amazon has introduced a program called “Frustration-Free Packaging” that eliminates excess packaging and makes it easier for customers to recycle. Amazon also works to reduce waste through its “Second Chance” program, which refurbishes and resells returned products.
  3. C&A Foundation: The C&A Foundation is a charitable organization that supports sustainable fashion initiatives worldwide. The Future of Consumption Platform helps them promote circularity in the fashion industry by supporting innovations such as closed-loop recycling, circular design principles, and new business models that encourage sharing and reuse of clothing. The foundation is also working to raise awareness about the fashion industry’s environmental and social impacts and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices.
  4. Dell Technologies: Dell Technologies is a leading technology company that works with the Future of Consumption Platform to promote circularity in the electronics industry. The company has set a goal of incorporating 100 million pounds of recycled materials into its products by 2020 and is designing products that are easy to repair and upgrade. Dell is also implementing a closed-loop supply chain that aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible.
  5. Ellen MacArthur Foundation: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK-based charity that is working with the Future of Consumption Platform to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The foundation works with businesses, policymakers, and academic institutions to develop and implement circular economy solutions in various industries. The foundation is also working to raise awareness about circularity’s benefits and inspire action through its research and thought leadership.
  6. H&M Group: H&M Group is a leading fashion retailer that leverages the Future of Consumption Platform to promote circularity in the fashion industry. The company has set a goal of becoming 100% circular and climate positive by 2030 and is working to develop new recycling technologies, closed-loop supply chains, and circular business models. H&M is also working to raise awareness about the fashion industry’s environmental and social impacts and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices.
  7. Philips: Philips is a leading technology company that is working to promote circularity in the electronics industry. The company has set a goal of making all of its products circular by 2025 and is designing products that are easy to repair, upgrade, and recycle. Philips is also working with the Future of Consumption Platform to implement a closed-loop supply chain that aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible. In addition, Philips is working to develop new business models that encourage product-as-a-service and sharing economies.
  8. The Recycling Partnership: The Recycling Partnership is a non-profit organization that is working with the Future of Consumption Platform to improve recycling rates in the United States. The partnership works with businesses, government agencies, and other organizations to increase access to recycling programs, improve the quality of recyclable materials, and promote circularity in the packaging industry. The partnership has also launched a program called “Bridge to Circularity” that aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy by promoting collaboration across industries and sectors.
  9. Unilever: Unilever is a global consumer goods company that is working with the Future of Consumption Platform to promote circularity in its operations and products. The company has set a goal of making all of its plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025 and is working to develop new business models that encourage product-as-a-service and sharing economies. Unilever is also implementing closed-loop supply chains that aim to keep materials in use for as long as possible.
  10. Walmart: Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world and is working with the Future of Consumption Platform to promote circularity in its operations and supply chain. The company has set a goal of achieving zero waste in its operations by 2025 and is working to reduce packaging waste, promote recycling, and implement closed-loop supply chains. Walmart is also working to raise awareness about circularity’s benefits and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices.

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which FCP coalition members are working to enable a circular economy. Each member brings unique expertise and perspectives to the table, but they share a common vision of creating a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. Through collaboration and innovation, these members are driving positive change and demonstrating the circular economy’s potential to transform industries and economies worldwide.

In conclusion, the Future of Consumption Platform’s Circular Economy Coalition exemplifies how stakeholders across industries and sectors can collaborate to drive positive change. By promoting circularity in their operations and supply chains and collaborating with others to develop scalable solutions, these members are helping create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Are they perfect? No. Do they still promote consumerism and consumption? Yes. But their membership in the Future of Consumption Platform they they demonstrate a willingness to change and that they know they need to change. They understand the potential of the circular economy to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the global economy and benefit people and the planet alike.

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