Eco-Friendly Landscaping Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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Eco-Friendly Landscaping Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Turning your outdoor space into something that’s not only beautiful but also eco-friendly might sound like a bit of a challenge, but it really doesn’t have to be hard at all – in fact, once you have some ideas about what you can do, it can even be fun. With that in mind, keep reading to learn about some eco-friendly landscaping tips to reduce your carbon footprint – and the great thing is you can get started right away! 

Choose Native Plants 

When it comes to eco-friendly gardening, native plants are perhaps the best thing you can add, and that’s for a number of excellent reasons. Native plants are, as you might have guessed, plants that can easily grow in your local area, which means they’ll need to use less water, less fertilizer, and less maintenance to make them look great. 

On top of the fact that native plants can save on the planet’s resources, they’re also amazing for attracting local wildlife like beads, butterflies, birds, and so on, which means your garden can be like a mini nature reserve and full of pollinators and creatures that are good for the ecosystem, and in the end, that’s great for the environment. 

Use Eco-Friendly Materials 

There are all kinds of things you need to add to your garden to make it look good, so it’s important to make sure that whatever it is you’re buying or using, it’s as eco-friendly as possible. One good example is your shed – you’ll probably have one or at least be thinking about installing one for storage, and that means you’ll need a good base. If you opt for eco shed bases, you’ll be doing your bit for the environment while also ensuring your shed is safe and secure, so it’s a win-win. 

And that’s just one example – you can also include natural stone, reclaimed wood, or even what’s known as permeable pavers (rainwater can sink into the slabs and back into the earth, which is very eco-friendly), and your garden won’t just look great, but you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint while you enjoy your outdoor space. 

Reduce Lawn Space

This idea might be a surprising one because a lush, green lawn always looks gorgeous, plus it’s natural, so how can reducing the amount you have be a good idea? Well, it’s a good idea because to keep your lawn looking good, you’ve got to give it a lot of water and you’re going to have to mow it, which means getting a lawnmower out, which isn’t idea for the environment either. 

If you reduce how much lawn you have and have a wildflower garden, groundcover plants, or perhaps a rock garden or pond, you’ll still have a lovely outdoor space, and it’ll still be perfect for wildlife, but it won’t be so hard on the environment. 

Compost What You Can

What do you currently do with food waste and kitchen scraps? Whatever it is, you could try composting instead, and that’s an easy way to reduce waste and create a natural fertilizer for your garden at the same time – what could be better? 

Just start a compost bin in your garden and throw in your organic waste like vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and so on. It will take some time, but eventually you’ll have free and nutrient-rich compost to use to make your garden look spectacular. 

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