A new generation of young people is putting the planet first. Here’s everything you need to know

A new generation of young people is putting the planet first. Here's everything you need to know
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A Polylepis seedling taking root in the soil of the Peruvian Andes. A new generation of young people and ecopreneurs known as Generation Restoration are putting the planet’s health first. This youth-led movement shows the power of an environmentally savvy generation to bring about real, concrete change towards a healthy planet. To support their efforts, the World Economic Forum is launching the #GenerationRestoration Youth Challenge to support young ecopreneurs. We are witnessing monumental changes to the balance of the natural world and how the human world, responsible for these changes, is responding. The impact from climate change is coinciding with the coming of age of a generation of young ecopreneurs – Generation Restoration – who are choosing to build their lives around restoring the planet and our relationship to it. At the heart of their motivation and energy lies a powerful shift in mindset. They have grown up as the warnings about climate change and the depletion of Earth’s wonders have become increasingly dire. The consequences of unrestrained growth on the environment, wildlife, and ourselves are propelling increasing numbers of young people around the world to come up with creative, hopeful, transformative solutions that are built upon the principles […]

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