5 High-impact Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable

5 High-impact Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

5 High-impact Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable. Image Unsplash.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

5 High-impact Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable

Are you always busy searching for ways to lessen your environmental impact? With world average temperatures hitting record highs and energy bills remaining well above pre-crisis levels, there’s never been a better time to do it for yourself and the planet. 

Thankfully there are lots of different ways to improve sustainability depending on your home, budget and preferences. Some will be more suitable or make a bigger impact than others, so it’s important to research all options and speak to experts to avoid making costly mistakes. 

Below, read up on five of the most high-impact ways to make your home kinder on planet and more comfortable to live in. 

Improve your insulation

As well as excessive consumption, poor insulation is a common cause of unnecessarily high energy bills. Upgrading yours will help you reduce the heat that’s lost and wasted through your walls and floors.

Consider cavity wall or solid wall insulation depending on your home’s construction and add loft insulation to stop heat escaping into the outside air.  

Upgrade your heating system

Unless you’re in a plush new-build home, there’s a high chance your heating system is old and inefficient. 

Look to upgrade your boiler if it’s advancing in years and consider maintaining or upgrading radiators too. A smart meter will help you track usage in real time, while smart radiator valves allow you to adjust or turn heating off remotely. 

Harness renewable energy

If you’re really serious about sustainability, it’s worth researching the different renewable energy systems available. It’s a fast-moving market that looks to create energy from water, wind and the sun, with popular options including:

  • Solar panels
  • Biomass boilers
  • Ground source and air source heat pumps

You may be able to get a government grant to help bring installation costs down too. 

Build a sustainable garden

There are lots of ways to build a more sustainable garden, from barrels that catch and repurpose rainfall to composting and growing your own fruit and veg.

Make sure to check if you need planning permission for any major changes though. If it turns out you do and you weren’t made aware when buying the property, you may have cause for a professional negligence case.   

Reuse or recycle  

Much like you may already be doing with your wardrobe, it’s important to reuse and recycle materials and items around your home. 

You could get crafty and upcycle older pieces of furniture for example, taking inspiration from sustainable creators on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Shopping local helps too, reducing the need to transport materials long distances while supporting your local community.  

Could any of these sustainable tips help make your home more eco-friendly, economical and comfortable to live in? 

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