Last Coal-Fired Generating Plants Closing In UK & New York

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The end of burning coal to generate electricity is continuing. In the UK, two large coal-fired facilities have been closed recently — Fiddler’s Ferry in Cheshire and Aberthaw in Wales. Fiddler’s Ferry was first commissioned in 1973 and had a peak capacity of 2,000 megawatts. Aberthaw was rated at 1,560 megawatts. CNBC reports the UK government said last week that electricity from coal declined 60% in 2019. In all, coal provided 6.9 terawatts of power to the UK last year, a record low in modern history. In 1990, 70% of the country’s electricity came from burning coal. Last year it was 3%. SSE Thermal is the owner of the Fiddler’s Ferry facility. Last November, it said the facility’s financial performance had “deteriorated to unsustainable levels, with losses of around £40 million in SSE’s last financial year.” On Tuesday, Stephen Wheeler, SSE Thermal’s managing director, said the closure is a “landmark moment” for the company. “It’s made a huge contribution to the local area, but it’s the right thing to do as the U.K. continues to move to cleaner ways of producing energy and take action on climate change,” he said. The UK’s largest remaining coal station, the Drax Power […]

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