Wolf sighting in Northern Colorado could be first confirmed in state in four years

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This image of what appears to be a radio-collared wolf was sent to Colorado Parks and Wildlife from a member of the public near Colorado State Forest State Park on Monday. (Photo: CPW) Photos of what appears to be a black-colored wolf captured north of Walden on Monday could be the first credible wolf sighting in the state in four years. Colorado Parks and Wildlife released images Monday evening of the black animal wearing what appeared to be a radio collar around its neck. The photos were shot by a member of the public near the Colorado State Forest State Park, about 90 miles northwest of Fort Collins. CPW biologists are working to confirm the sighting, as well as another recent sighting in Grand County, which is just south of Jackson County. CPW spokesperson Rebecca Ferrell said the agency requested to speak to the person who sent the agency the images but that the person declined. She was not sure if the photos were taken on public or private land. The animal is believed to have wandered into the state from Wyoming, which they have done occasionally over the years. They were extirpated from the state in the 1940s […]

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