Why Jack Johnson Sailed The Sargasso Sea Searching For Plastic

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He is an artist and surfer, and big fighter against plastic pollution. He has started a Kokua Hawaii Foundation, which work on environmental education in schools in Hawaii. Jack Johnson also made the commitment – to never use a [single-use] bag.

This story is part of Planet or Plastic?—our multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic waste crisis. Learn what you can do to reduce your own single-use plastics, and take your pledge. Singer, songwriter, and musician Jack Johnson is known for his soothing melodies and go-with-the-flow personality. But when it comes to plastic pollution tainting the ocean, Johnson refuses to go with the flow. As a surfer and someone who was born and raised on Hawaii, Johnson spends much of his time in the ocean. Over the years, he has seen the beaches near his home become more and more junked up with litter. So he has begun to speak out about the issue, and work on it through his foundation, Kokua Hawaii Foundation. Watch: Musician Jack Johnson Wages War on Ocean Plastic – The artist and surfer, who grew up in Hawaii, is driving awareness of ocean pollution. In June 2015, Johnson was invited to join an expedition to survey how much plastic is getting into the ocean. The trip—to the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic—was led by Marcus Eriksen, an environmental scientist and co-founder of the nonprofit 5 Gyres . The group studies ocean plastics and works on solutions. Johnson teamed up with filmmakers Ian Cheney and Kizzy O’Neal to produce “The Smog of the Sea,” a short documentary about the group’s experiences on the expedition. They say they saw firsthand how plastic pollution is impacting the ocean they all love so much. Most of the songs off Johnson’s most recent album, (All The Light Above It Too), came to him on this expedition. Click here to listen to the album, which was released in September 2017. Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell Set Historic Speed Record on El Capitan We caught up with Johnson […]

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