Which Approach to Minimalism Is Right for You?

Which Approach to Minimalism Is Right for You?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Minimalism, reducing one’s consumption to the essentials, is one way to reduce your resources consumption and limit your consumer spending. By reducing what you buy, what you consume, and what you ultimately throw away, you’ll waste fewer resources, reduce energy expenditure and carbon emissions, and adopt a less environmentally impactful lifestyle . Of course, there’s a wrinkle in this strategy; most of us like to indulge ourselves in certain ways that violate the minimalistic approach. We can unconsciously look to splurge after creating environmental improvements. For example, you might bike to work on a regular basis, but you love to drive your car on the weekends. Or you may typically buy groceries from local farmers’ markets but eat at chain restaurants or buy imported groceries once in a while for convenience or a change of pace. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally indulging, even in the most aggressive minimalistic approaches. Additionally, any amount of minimalism or restriction you exercise is going to be beneficial; even reducing the number of plastic bags you consume by bringing a tote bag to the grocery store can help the environment in some small way. By using fewer plastic bags, you’ll help reduce the demand […]

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