Top 5 Eco-Friendly Practices for Responsible Boating
Boating can be a fun and wholesome experience; however, it’s not necessarily the greenest of commutes. Modern boats are pretty gas-hungry, and they’re large vessels that could disturb marine life by doing something as simple as anchoring. Not to mention that you could have quite a few people on board, all producing trash that you’ll eventually have to dispose of. All of this makes responsible boating a challenge. Here are the top five eco-friendly practices for responsible boating that you should start using as soon as possible.
- Use eco-friendly cleaning products
Cleaning your boat can be a massive pollutant and affect the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. The reason why so many people are not concerned with this is because they believe that this tiny amount of cleaning chemicals cannot do much harm to the seemingly infinite vastness of the sea. Well, this kind of mentality is definitely not an isolated case, and it’s up to you to decide whether you want to be a part of the solution or the problem (no matter how small).
Eco-friendly products may be a bit harder to find and a bit more expensive but they’re by no means impossible to get a hold of. Still, the price difference is not nearly as high as you think, which means that it just comes down to finding the right supplier/vendor.
Just make sure to read the label carefully. Some products tend to market themselves as eco-friendly when they’re really not. Do a bit of independent research just to be sure.
- Engage in proper waste disposal
Proper waste disposal is a massive challenge when boating. Why? Well, because you have to time your disposal around your stops at the marina. In the meantime, you’ll find yourself forced to store the trash on the boat, and the temptation to just throw it overboard will be so incredibly strong.
The health of the marine environment is the most important thing to focus on when engaging in proper waste disposal. It’s also the hardest of all principles for boat owners and operators to stick to, mostly because it requires a continuous effort on every single voyage. The idea of doing the wrong thing just this one time will sometimes be tempting.
The best way to handle this is to equip your boat with adequate waste containers. Ideally, you would do so for every type of trash, including recyclables. You also need to familiarize yourself with local waste disposal regulations and facilities at your destination. Not every marina will have every disposal you need available.
- Reduce engine idling
Fuel use and emissions caused by boats are among the most significant forms of pollution caused by these boats. Well, in order to fix this issue, you need to learn how to optimize your fuel use, which sometimes involves boat idling.
This way, you can reduce the emission of powerful pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. These are not just bad for human health but for the environment, as well.
Now, various techniques of fuel preservation are known to experienced boat owners; however, they’re not as common for those who get boat rentals. Nonetheless, if eco-friendliness and reducing environmental impact matter to you, there shouldn’t be any difference in whether you own a boat or not.
The simplest way to explain how you’re supposed to turn off your engine whenever it’s safe to do so. Still, you need to understand why you have to idle your engine to begin with, and it usually has to do with dense traffic. If you plan your journey around this, you’ll have a much easier time reducing engine idling.
- Practice responsible anchoring
Not every eco-unfriendly practice involves pollutants, chemicals, and emissions. Sometimes, activities such as anchoring could damage sensitive marine habitats. For instance, you could negatively impact coral reefs and seagrass beds. Prioritizing sandy or muddy areas is far safer, as well as using mooring buoys, where available.
The thing you need to understand is that these coastal habitats are more fragile than you think. Physically damaging them by uprooting seagrasses or hurting coral reefs can have long-lasting negative impacts on the local eco systems.
In the past, this was quite hard to predict or avoid, but today, you can use FPS to identify sandy or muddy bottoms. Modern boat sensors are also amazing at informing you exactly what’s beneath your boat, which eliminates another potential issue. You have all the tools you need; now it just comes down to actually using them for good.
- Participate in clean-up activities
As a boat owner, you’re a part of a community that, on the surface, feels like you’re free to partake in a set of benefits; however, it also comes with a responsibility. Every now and then, there are events that involve efforts to remove trash and debris from waterways and shorelines. This way, you can protect marine life and reduce pollution. Sometimes, these activities just involve raising awareness. Either way, you have to do your part.
This is the best way to give back, especially since it’s the most direct way to make a difference. It’s also a great cue for you to reduce your own activities that cause pollution. After one activity of picking up and cleaning other people’s trash, you’ll think twice before throwing anything overboard.
Lastly, everything’s easier in a company and, when it comes to these clean-up activities, even more impactful. So, what you want to do is find a group of activists or connect to a local environmental group. They’re often found in boating clubs and local marinas.
Wrap up
Ultimately, boating is a practice that’s very impactful on the environment and if you can learn how to do it responsibly, you can make a world of difference. The key thing, however, lies in consistency. You can’t be eco-friendly only when it’s handy to do so and avoid it otherwise. You need to exercise consistency and make sure that you’re boating responsibly every time you set out. This is really the only way to proceed with this the right way.