This Young Man is Revolutionizing the Way We Clean Beaches Around the World

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Arjun Sharma touches base on his journey discovering Clean My Beach and the hopes and determination he desires to share with the world in an effort to fight environmental havoc With strength and perseverance, anyone can make a difference in the world. Regardless of age, race, status, et cetera— if there is a genuine resolve in the heart, magic occurs. Arjun Sharma is living proof of this, and he plans to tackle a worldwide issue that is plaguing beaches through his handy invention. A high school junior in Hawaii, Sharma developed ‘CleanMyBeach’, an app that essentially bundles cleanup groups created by people around the world and assists with bringing together a community focused on cleaning beaches in their areas. He hopes that this will bring environmental awareness to come together as people and fight the bigger fight on a global scale. Humans consume five trillion plastic bags in a year. That adds up to 160,000 plastic bags in a second. The worst part is that only 1% of the plastics get recycled. Most of them are made with polyethylene which takes centuries to break down. 10% of plastic ends up in the ocean where it is broken down into […]

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