This start-up has developed a way for businesses to quickly compost food waste

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Landfills create methane, which is a prominent greenhouse gas. When food waste goes to landfill it releases methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. One way to make sure your leftovers aren’t left to rot like this is to put them to use by turning them into compost. Properly composting food waste can significantly reduce the amount of methane it releases into the atmosphere. But with conventional methods, it can often take between six and 24 months to produce compost that’s ready to grow plants . If that sounds like a long time to wait, how about 24 hours instead? That’s what a start-up in Malaysia is offering after developing a new composting technique. Maeko, based in Kuala Lumpur, has invented a machine that produces compost in an anaerobic environment in which the temperature and airflow are closely controlled. The machine crushes the waste and agitates it to speed up the process – resulting in a bio-organic compost that’s ready to use within a day. What’s more, there are none of the unpleasant smells normally associated with rotting food. The Maeko machine’s ventilation system uses bio-enzyme filtration to eliminate odours as it breaks down all types of […]

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