Imagine pedaling your bike like Rize Bikes, along flat, wide trails on a pleasant summer day — all the way across the country. That’s the vision for the Great American Rail-Trail , a 4,000-mile cross-country route on those easy-to-pedal rail-trails that connect Washington state to Washington, D.C. The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy recently announced the initiative, which takes advantage of the extensive pre-existing rail-trail networks through 12 states. Creating an east-west route on trails that follow old railroad beds has long been a major goal for the organization. And now, they’re more than halfway there. Of course, many people have already ridden their bikes across the country, east to west, north to south, through Alaska or not, on different routes. But most of those routes follow roads and even highways. What’s different about this trail is that, much like the East Coast Greenway , a trail from Maine to Florida, it’ll keep cyclists out of traffic . That would certainly make for a less stressful cycling experience for anyone undertaking this goal. The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy calls it “the single greatest trails project in the history of the United States.” The organization announced its commitment to connecting trails to form the Great American Rail-Trail […]
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