Knowing what we know about the almost inevitable rise of sea levels in the next few decades, which is already in the process of destroying cities and even entire nations throughout the world , the Koda Light Float may be one of the more responsible ways to buy a home in a coastal city. [Photo: Riku Kylä/courtesy Kodesema] It’s the latest offering from the Estonian prefab company Kodasema, which designs moveable prefab houses, largely for the Northern European market so far. While its other models include a timber home and a concrete version, the Light Float is something else entirely: A house that’s part building, part boat. The company worked with Top Marine–a designer of marina structures–to create plans for the design, which can be tied to typical floating pontoons in ports or to a dock. [Photo: Riku Kylä/courtesy Kodesema] “The architecture, design and engineering skills combined enable living near a favorite yacht harbor, on a private lake or on an urban canal,” the company says on its site . [Image: courtesy Kodesema] At roughly 277 square feet, the Light Float is essentially a large studio, with a living area, sleeping area, and a separate bathroom. It also features […]
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