Thinking like Leonardo da Vinci will help children tackle climate change

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Teaching children to think like the Renaissance artist would better prepare them for tackling crises. UK researchers say we need a radical shake-up of the curriculum to ensure arts and sciences are no longer taught separately. Different disciplines should be taught together to encourage critical thinking and problem solving. Taking a transdisciplinary approach like Da Vinci’s will better teach children how to tackle problems such as climate change, study says. Teaching children to think like the Renaissance artist, inventor and scientist Leonardo da Vinci would better prepare them for tackling crises such as climate change, according to researchers. Writing in the journal Curriculum Perspectives , education researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh argue for a radical shake-up of the school curriculum so that arts and science subjects are no longer taught in isolation. Instead, they call for arts and sciences to be taught together, with a focus on real-world problems. Subjects should reflect pupils’ lived experiences to encourage problem solving. Renaissance polymath worked across disciplines Their model draws inspiration from Renaissance polymath Da Vinci, who worked across disciplines and remains as renowned for his inventions as he is for his paintings. “If we look at the amazing […]

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