Celebrating Houseplant Appreciation Day: The Snake Plant

Celebrating Houseplant Appreciation Day: The Snake plant.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Celebrating Houseplant Appreciation Day: The Snake plant. Image: Unsplash

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Celebrating Houseplant Appreciation Day: The Snake Plant

January 10 is Houseplant Appreciation Day – a day that is dedicated to celebrating the beauty and benefits of houseplants. Owning houseplants dates back to the Ancient Egyptians, who brought ferns and palm trees inside their homes to bring a bit of nature indoors. That trend has continued until today. Did you know that over 66% of American households own at least one houseplant?

Owning houseplants is increasingly growing among millennials due to postponing kids or living in smaller spaces that don’t have a backyard or garden. Over 70% of millennials identify themselves as plant parents. Houseplants bring us so much joy, can reduce health risks, and decrease stress. And many of us feel an emotional connection to our plants. If I asked you, you could tell me which one of your plants is your favorite, which is the easiest to take care of, and which prefers more light and less water.

In celebration of Houseplant Appreciation Day, we’ll talk about one of the most commonly owned houseplants, the Dracaena trifasciata, or as you probably know it, the Snake Plant. The Snake Plant is a flowing plant native to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo. African communities use fibers from the Snake Plant to produce eco-friendly and biodegradable ropes, yarns, and textiles. In Malaysia, Indigenous populations even use the snake plant to treat ear infections and swelling.

The Snake Plant is recognized by its evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright in almost a snake-like manner. They are a common houseplant because they are pretty to look at, easy to take care of, and require little water to survive. Additionally, these plants can grow just about anywhere. They can tolerate both shade and direct sunlight, underwatering, drafts, and dry air.

These plants also provide many health benefits, including:

  • Filtering indoor air: The Snake Plant is one of the few plants that can actually convert CO2 into oxygen at night
  • Removing toxic pollutants: The Snake Plant is known for its ability to help remove toxic air pollutants and can act as an effective defense against airborne allergies. It is said to be one of the top ten plants most effective in removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
  • Absorbing negative energies: The Snake Plant is known for absorbing negative energies and eliminating bitterness and jealousy. They are also known to bring good luck.

The beauty of Snake Plants is that they can be propagated and shared. By cutting off a leaf near its base, making an upside-down V cut at the bottom, and leaving it in a clean jar of water, new roots will form in 3-5 weeks, which can then be transferred into the soil.

What a little houseplant can do for our health and wellbeing is truly amazing. And even if you get one to bring some color into a room, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much joy it will bring you. There are many ways you can celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day which includes:

  • Make sure your plants are well-watered
  • Finding out about the benefits of houseplants to your health (the Snake Plant isn’t the only plant with benefits)
  • Buying a houseplants for yourself or a friend.
  • Celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day.
  • Talking to your plants or playing them music may sound silly, but plants respond to sound waves and vibrations by causing plant cells to move, leading to more nutrients and better growth!

Remember that Houseplant Appreciation Day is a celebration of our houseplants and an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of houseplants and their care and remind people of the joy they can bring to their everyday lives.

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