A fascinating new colour map of the world’s river systems has revealed the flowing arteries of the planet as never seen before. The guide, created by analyst Robert Szucs, shows every river basin on the globe with a different colour and width depending on water depth The design has been several months in the making, with the 31-year-old saying he was desperate ‘to do justice’ to a subject he loves. Mr Szucs has produced several national maps but has now completed his first world design (pictured). Every river basin is represented by a different colour, which is contrasted with a dark, black background Mr Szucs has produced several national maps but has now completed his first world design (pictured). Every river basin is represented by a different colour, which is contrasted with a dark, black background This map shows the United States of America and reveals the flow of rivers across the country. Mr Szucs collects his data with painstaking patience, assembling information from a variety of government and non-government agencies. He has created a system whereby the thicker lines represent higher stream orders, meaning the tributaries will be much smaller than the main river itself The Hungarian native […]
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