Scottish distillery debuts ‘climate positive’ vodka

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Arbikie distillery in Arbroath claims that its Nadar Vodka is "climate positive" Using peas enables the vodka to save more carbon emissions than it produces, according to the Arbroath-based distillery that created it A Scottish distillery has designed a pea-based "climate positive" vodka that it claims creates a carbon saving of 1.53kg CO2e per 700ml bottle – a reduction in emissions that more than offsets the CO2 generated by the vodka’s creation. This climate alchemy is achieved thanks to the power of the humble pea, Arbikie Distillery claims, the use of which has two ecological benefits over the cereal crops that are usually used toproduce vodka. Firstly, peas – like other legumes – produce much of their own nitrogen thanks to a symbiotic relationship with bacteria that fix nitrogen from the air for the plant. As a result, they do not need the synthetic fertiliser typically used to grow cereal crops such as corn, wheat or rye. Secondly, peas contain significantly more protein than cereal crops, which leads to the creation of by-products, known as pot ale, that can be re-used leading to further emissions reductions. "The use of peas versus cereals increases the protein content of the pot […]

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