Russian Family Gardens Produce 40% of Russian Food

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Share Share Photo courtesy of Health Impact News Editor Comments: Earlier this month, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that Russia will not import GMO products because Russia has enough space and resources to produce organic food. This was not a political statement of posturing, given the current cool relations between the U.S. and Russia over the Ukraine. As it turns out, Russia’s food security is light years ahead of the U.S. As you will read below, a significant portion of the Russian population own “dachas,” or seasonal garden homes, where they can grow their own food. At the height of the communist era, it is reported that these dachas produced 90% of the nation’s food. Today, with the land now privatized, they still comprise about 40% of the nation’s food. Compare that with the United States, where less than 1% of the population controls the food, and small-scale family farms have for the most part been bought out by huge Biotech corporations. In 2011 the dacha gardens of Russia produced 40% of the nation’s food by Excerpts: While many in the world are completely dependent on large scale agriculture, the Russian people feed themselves. Their agricultural […]

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