April 2020 was the first month ever that renewables generated more electricity than thermal coal in the United States every single day. Crady von Pawlak / Getty Images By Fino Menezes April 2020 was the first month ever that renewables generated more electricity than thermal coal in the United States every single day, while across the Atlantic, the United Kingdom’s rapid decarbonization of its electricity grid has achieved another significant milestone – completing a whole month (30 days) without coal power for the first time in 138 years. Renewables Surpass Coal in U.S. Power Generation Every Day in April April 2020 was the first month in U.S. history that renewables generated more electricity than coal on every day of the month. That’s based on new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and compiled by the nonprofit Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) . The daily consecutive run of renewables over coal began on March 25 and continued for 40 straight days through May 3. That breaks the previous record of just nine continuous days. The strong output from utility-scale solar, wind, and hydropower is based on several factors, including low gas prices, warmer weather, new […]
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