Renewable energy topped coal in US for 40 days straight

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Renewables have generated more electricity than coal for the last 40 days, surpassing previous records. Wind, solar and hydroelectricity have produced more electricity than coal since March 25, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration analyzed by the Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis (IEEFA). That tops the previous record of just nine consecutive days of renewables beating out coal in power generation. Coal’s decline comes as a number of sectors set goals for renewable generation. A number of utilities have announced their intention to cease their reliance on coal and close coal-fired power plants by dates ranging from 2030 to 2050. Big-box retailers like Target have also made pledges to transition to renewable energy to power their stores. But many states are also pushing the shift toward green energy, increasing renewable energy mandates for utilities within their borders. The latest streak for renewables comes amid an overall decline in electricity demand as the coronavirus shutters businesses around the country — limiting the need to rely as heavily on coal. Low natural gas prices and warm weather also help fuel the shift. IEEFA previously predicted that renewable generation would consistently surpass coal by 2021. “But in […]

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