Protesting for a Cleaner Planet on Earth Day

Earth Day is the world's largest secular observance, with 1 billion individuals mobilised for action every year.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Earth Day is the world’s largest secular observance, with 1 billion individuals mobilised for action every year. Image: Pixabay

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Earth Day is an annual event that is held every year on April 22. It is a day to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The environmental movement originated in 1970 to bring attention to air and water pollution. It began as a student protest in the United States but has quickly spread to attract millions of people from across the globe who take to the streets and demand action for the problems we are experiencing in the world. Earth Day is the world’s largest secular observance, with 1 billion individuals mobilised for action every year.

Now the fight for a cleaner planet continues with increasing urgency as the effects of climate change become more apparent every day. With over 190 countries celebrating Earth Day this year, a few cities and their protesters made headlines.

Budapest, Hungary

In Budapest, 15 000 cyclists paraded down the banks of the Danube in support of a greener city. The NGO Hungarian Bicycle Club organised the parade, which demonstrated the need for more bike-friendly urban spaces. The city was initially designed with a focus on cars, making it difficult for bikers to navigate the streets. This demonstration isn’t the end of the demand for more bicycle paths. Every weekend until the end of the summer, the streets along the Danube will only be accessible to pedestrians, runners, cyclists, and families with strollers.

Montreal, Canada

In Montreal, thousands of protesters took to the streets to call for more to be done to fight climate change and social crises. Montrealers urged the Canadian government to end the exploitation of fossil fuels and investment in the social safety net for a fair and inclusive transition. This was the largest Earth Day march since 2019.

Berlin, Germany

In Berlin, climate protesters glued themselves to the streets to pressure the German government to take more drastic measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions, including stopping the use of all fossil fuels by 2030 and imposing an overall speed limit on highways. The group, Last Generation, has been protesting at 33 locations in the city, including highways and the Formula E race track.

New York City, USA

In New York City, people gathered in Times Square to urge citizens to take action on global warming and reduce their dependence on plastics. Thirty streets across all five boroughs went car-free throughout the day, and Citi Bike offered free one-day passes to riders.

These are only a few examples of people gathering and fighting for the planet. Many people are taking action for their voices to be heard on Earth Day and every day. All around the world, citizens are pressuring governments to listen to what is being said and to encourage them to take action. Together, we can be the change the world needs to low temperatures, protect biodiversity, and live sustainable lives.

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