Our Future: The ideas that we share

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Our Future: The ideas that we share

A book by Ray Allwork

I wanted to write a book that would connect and unite the voices that speak on climate change, nature, our environment, and our societies.

We are a diverse bunch, growing in number for sure, but remote from each other, often frustrated, often feeling powerless. I wanted to give us a strong stance, say how right we are, that we care, that we see the madness, that we are not perfect but that we know a better way.

I wanted to write so that others know we are not alone and that it is not hopeless at all. In fact, there are millions of us doing big things and small things every day. We have high hopes, and I believe it has never been easier to change the world!

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Our Future by Ray Allwork can be found on Amazon.

I started writing the book in 1993 after I had traveled a lot more and was back in England for a winter.  Here are some of my thoughts and ideas, distilled over 30 years, that helped me form the basis of the book.

For some, life on Earth is the best it has ever been

For many others, it’s not so great. Humanity has made great progress to greater freedom and better lives. Enlightened ideas have created a world of health, wealth, and happiness. But only for a few at the top, and at a terrible cost to the planet.

The benefits of modern life must flow to the hardworking, deserving many rather than the exploiting elite. This is vital because the enrichment of the few is leading us to yet more disasters – to poor lives for the majority, to social unrest, to war, and to ecological collapse – a dark, narrow future.

@m2collective via Twenty20 Our Future: The ideas that we share
Ray camping one September in Laubichl, just north of Mayrhofen, Austria. Image courtesy m2collective via Twenty20.

“I got out of my tent and went to take a shower to warm up, and on my way to the shower block, I looked up at the thousands of stars in the clear night sky. I realised again that everything here on the beautiful Earth was as nothing compared to the vastness of our Universe…a Universe of possibilities…our future…our destiny…our hopes…”

At the time, a new idea to me was to try to work out a way of life that follows and aligns with nature, the higher laws that govern our existence. I believe we must change our human laws and work their roots to be of nature, from the same place everything else comes from. In so doing we will improve life on Earth for the vast majority of people and create a more sustainable future for all its inhabitants; plants, animals, and humans.

These are radical ideas, and they are linked to action that each of us can take to improve life for ourselves and for others.

We cannot wait for politicians, governments, businesses, or anyone else to take a lead. We must do it ourselves. We must demand a bright, wide, open future that can be enjoyed by as many as possible. A Universe of possibilities!

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Reducing our impact is a big part of our future, as is ending the divided societies that shareholder companies have created. Image courtesy Ray Allwork.

The old life of burning resources without care is killing that which we love and depend upon. Reducing our impact is a big part of our future, as is ending the divided societies that shareholder companies have created. Mutual companies, operating responsibly on a free market are the way forward (all those books I read at Uni, etc. come in useful!), resulting in more innovation, inclusion, diversity, education, clean water, and sustainability.

Over the years I have used less and less, taken less and less, used cars less and less, and some of the startling things about the journey have been that doing it has not only saved me a whole lot of money and helped save the planet, but also made me calmer in myself. It has opened up more time in my life to help me slow down the manic pace of modernity.

That time is the most precious thing each of us has to give.

The elites will scream and squirm, but their time is up – we are, quite literally – not going to buy what they are selling anymore. Ultimately the resources on our planet are shared. Continuing with old ideas that lead us to disaster and channel wealth to the few is mad.

This must change. We must change.

@sethop via Twenty20 Our Future: The ideas that we share
A sunny day in England. Image courtesy sethop via Twenty20.

Today, the sun has come out while I’ve been writing and that is always welcome in November here in England! The light really is everything!

Good luck to us all. We have huge challenges ahead. Stay cool and groovy. Get in touch anytime.


You can learn more about Ray Allwork at his website, www.ourfuture2019.com

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