A rare species of orchid believed to have been extinct in the UK has been discovered on the roof of an office building in the City of London . Serapis parviflora, also known as small-flowered tongue orchid, was found growing in the 11th-floor rooftop garden of the Japanese investment bank Nomura. It is usually found in the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coast of France, Spain and Portugal. It is only the second time the species has been found in the UK. The previous colony was found in Rame Head, Cornwall, in 1989, but was destroyed in 2009 as a result of land mismanagement. The 15-plant colony in London is believed to be the only one in the UK. The plants grow to about 30cm and typically have between three and 12 tiny flowers, which are usually orange. One of the small-flowered tongue orchids in Nomura’s garden. Photograph: Nomura Other orchids have made their home at Nomura. London’s largest colony of green-winged orchids, usually found in Europe and the Middle East, was found in its rooftop garden three years ago. Mark Patterson, who manages the garden, discovered the latest orchids during a monthly survey. How the orchids arrived is […]
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