In 2019, a UK conservation charity called Plantlife started a “No Mow May” campaign. The campaign’s purpose was to encourage homeowners not to mow their lawns for the entire month of May. Over 97% of flower-rich meadows have disappeared since the 1970s, and as a result, the food sources necessary for pollinators like bees and butterflies have disappeared. Research has shown that consistently mowed lawns can diminish biodiversity by removing vital food for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Allowing grass to grow for a month can create habitats and food sources for early-season pollinators when other flowers are scarce.
Participate in No Mow May
Plantlife asked participants to leave their lawnmowers in their shed for the entire month of No Mow May and count how many flower species subsequently popped up in a one-square-metre patch of their lawn. People saw an increase in the growth of daisies, germander, speedwell and creeping buttercups, and these species changed throughout the summer. Moreover, the average square-metre patch of lawn surveyed after the experiment produced enough nectar to support almost four honey bees daily.
The No Mow May campaign has spread to communities all around the world. In 2020, Appleton, Wisconsin, passed legislation encouraging people not to mow their lawns. Many communities across the Midwest and Northeast have followed suit. Local governments and businesses are also doing their part by rethinking their landscaping practices in urban green spaces to promote biodiversity. Cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York in the US and Bristol, Edinburgh, and London in the UK all participate in the program.
Plantlife encourages people to create perennial flower meadows instead of frequently mown lawns as it is one of the most important measures to promote insects. No Mow May is a good time for homeowners and even city officials to rethink how we think about lawns. Consider clover, meadows, and prairies as a replacement for grass. Replacing grass with native or edible plants is an excellent alternative to grass and can help feed yourself and the community. You can also leave some sections of grass completely unmown, which will result in a greater diversity of flowers in these areas.
Participating in No Mow May can reduce pollution, as gasoline-powered lawnmowers can emit the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as driving a new car. Mowing your grass less often can strengthen your lawn and make it more drought-tolerant, which will help conserve water.
It is also important to reduce or eliminate the use of herbicides and pesticides in lawns and gardens. This, too, can benefit pollinators. These chemicals can harm bees, butterflies, and other insects visiting plants for food and habitat. By reducing their use, more pollinator-friendly plants can thrive, providing a source of food and shelter for these important species. Additionally, reducing chemical use can help protect water quality and other environmental aspects important to pollinators and other wildlife.
Realistically, we will still see lawns in front or back of many houses worldwide. And much like other initiatives like the World’s Ugliest Lawn Competition or the Leave Your Leaves movement, No Mow May comes with some backlash. Experts state that leaving your grass too long can shock the grass or confuse the insects, and it may not have a food source when June 1st rolls around.
However, the main takeaway from these initiatives is to think about how we can transform our gardens to benefit our ecosystems and local wildlife. These initiatives are about working together as a community to save the species we have lost due to urbanization, agriculture, or other man-made activities. No Mow May is an opportunity to think about recreating your lawns and thinking about how we use our green spaces. In turn, these efforts can significantly benefit our planet.