Nature-based solutions: One remedy for two ills

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Courtesy of WSP USA Close Authorship The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection plans to restore more than 400 acres of tidal wetlands at Higbee Beach in Cape May to reintroduce tidal inundation to the marsh, reduce flood risk, enhance habitat for fish and migratory birds and introduce recreational and educational facilities. First, the bad news. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently warned that the world is already locked into at least 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming before 2050. The climate crisis is inextricably linked to biodiversity loss, which the United Nations reports is occurring “at rates unprecedented in human history.” About 1 million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, many within decades. “Biodiversity loss and dangerous climate change potentiate each other in their disastrous consequences. It’s a vicious circle,” Michael Norton, environment program director of the European Academies Science Advisory Council, said in a statement . “This summer’s rollercoaster of extreme temperatures, dryness, flash floods and wildfires has been bad, but probably far better than what we may see in the future.” Discussion of climate change mitigation has centered on timelines and temperature targets, such as 1.5C by 2040 or 2050. While that is […]

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