‘Naming and shaming’ is a powerful tool in the fight against plastic waste

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Thousands participate in the Manila Bay clean-up and plastic waste brand audit in Roxas Blvd, Metro Manila. Companies will do anything to protect their brand – maybe even redesign packaging. Taking a stance against a giant, when you’re only a normal-sized human, requires sharp strategy. Thankfully, Froilan Grate has plenty of that. Grate is a community activist in the Philippines who has made it his mission to fight the plastic pollution that is overwhelming his homeland. It all started when he moved to the capital for school at age 18. In an interview with NPR , he described the shock of entering Manila Bay and seeing garbage everywhere. “He felt sick. ‘The contrast of where I grew up, beautiful white sand beaches, clear water, and arriving in Manila where it’s black water with countless plastic, that was shocking to me.’ His first thought at the time, he says, was that his own island would someday end up strewn with plastic as well. His next one was: What can I do to stop it?” For years Grate headed up local initiatives to improve recycling practices and infrastructure. He spoke to groups about lifestyle changes […]

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