We’re calling on politicians, businesses, and public institutions to “pick up the pace” at the close of this week’s Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. “There’s growing momentum for a fossil free world, but we need to pick up the pace,” said 350.org Executive Director, May Boeve. “We heard a lot of the right commitments this week, but on the wrong timelines. We don’t need action in 2050, we need it now. Rhetoric isn’t going to cut it anymore. We’re going to be pushing hard to turn the promises made this week into real, immediate action on the ground.” With hurricanes and typhoons barreling down on communities, @CFigueres call on ourselves and all leaders to do more #GCAS2018 #FossilFree pic.twitter.com/1ciVDMNgum — mayboeve (@mayboeve) September 14, 2018 The summit was convened by California Governor Jerry Brown to showcase climate action and spur a wave of commitments by actors other than national governments. Hundreds of new commitments and announcements came out of the Summit, but the cumulative action is still far from meeting the 1.5°C target agreed to by world governments. 350.org and allies around the world kicked off the summit week with a major mobilization, Rise for Climate, on […]
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