Investing in sustainable energy can enable resilient societies in race to net-zero

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Investment and innovation in sustainable energy systems is needed to win the race to net-zero. The clock is ticking to meet ambitious global climate goals as we prepare for the COP26 conference in November. We need public-private collaboration and investment in sustainable energy systems to strengthen existing infrastructure and scale-up innovation. In a post-pandemic world this could enable an economic, social and environmental return on investment as we journey to net-zero. Climate volatility has been reported in news headlines around the world over the past year, further highlighting the unpredictable challenges we face in tackling the climate crisis. As we gear up for the COP26 conference later this year, there will be a renewed focus on important milestones for global climate goals. But questions around progress, urgency and levels of ambition will no doubt dominate the political and media narrative. How will we win the “race to zero?”. While the COP framework is a necessary tool to solidify long-term goals and global coordination, the race to zero won’t be won by establishing goals that delegate action into the future, it will be won with action today. And with several nations affected by the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic, this […]

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