Inside Clean Energy: The Rooftop Solar Income Gap Is (Slowly) Shrinking

Inside Clean Energy: The Rooftop Solar Income Gap Is (Slowly) Shrinking
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Contractors install SunRun Inc. solar panels on the roof of a new home at the Westline Homes Willowood Cottages community in Sacramento, California, on Aug. 15, 2018. Credit: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images One of the most common arguments against subsidizing rooftop solar is that the benefits mostly go to affluent households that don’t need any help. But the reality is that the declining costs of rooftop solar, along with access to solar leasing and other financing methods, are helping to reduce the income gap between solar households and U.S. households in general. A new report from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows a continuing diversification of solar adopters in terms of income and race. Solar households had a median income of $113,000 last year, compared to the median income for all U.S. households of $64,000, a difference that is much smaller than it was in 2010 when the median income of a solar household was about $140,000. We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or once a week, our original stories and digest of the web’s top headlines deliver the full story, for free. It is accurate to say that solar households tend […]

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