India cancels plans for huge coal power stations as solar energy prices hit record low

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A field of solar panels at Cochin International Airport in southern India ( CIAL ) India has cancelled plans to build nearly 14 gigawatts of coal-fired power stations – about the same as the total amount in the UK – with the price for solar electricity “free falling” to levels once considered impossible. Analyst Tim Buckley said the shift away from the dirtiest fossil fuel and towards solar in India would have “profound” implications on global energy markets. According to his article on the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis’s website , 13.7GW of planned coal power projects have been cancelled so far this month – in a stark indication of the pace of change. Jordan’s refugee camp becomes first to run entirely on solar energy The country where the price of solar is tumbling to record low China increases solar power output by 80% in three months In January last year, Finnish company Fortum agreed to generate electricity in Rajasthan with a record low tariff, or guaranteed price, of 4.34 rupees per kilowatt-hour (about 5p). Mr Buckley, director of energy finance studies at the IEEFA, said that at the time analysts said this price was so low […]

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