“I’m not an enormous advocate of the planting of trees” says Sebastian Cox

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Rewilding is a better way of fighting climate change and biodiversity loss than planting trees , according to designer Sebastian Cox . "I’m not an enormous advocate of the planting of trees," said the English designer , who is known for his solid-wood furniture made entirely from English timber. "I don’t think it’s necessary," he said. "And actually, generally, you get a much more resilient woodland if you just let it grow through a process of rewilding." Rewilding is gaining traction as a way of letting landscapes recover with minimal human intervention. In a Dezeen panel discussion at Dutch Design Week in 2018 , geologist Sjoerd Kluiving said that rewilding was the single most important way of tackling climate change. "If we are able to rewild more in Europe, to create national parks, we can combat biodiversity lows," Kluiving said. "We can do something about climate change." Wood is "solid carbon dioxide" Cox, who harvests timber from his own managed woodland in Kent, England, has set a target to store 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide in his products each year and to make his business carbon negative. He is also campaigning to double the amount of woodland and wild […]

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