How to be a coral reef guardian

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And you could be one of them… either by yourself or together with a group of friends, thanks to Reefwatch Marine Conservation’s coral reef guardian programme Groupers, snappers, zebra fish, clownfish, parrotfish, butterflyfish, starfish, sea cucumbers, sponges, crabs, lobsters and anemone thrive amid the reefs of the Andaman islands. Dugong (the State animal) graze on seagrass meadows nearby. Sharks swim past occasionally, a wide variety of them. As the waters deepen, the species of coral changes, as do the kinds of marine life housing amid them. Life under the sea is as complex and interwoven an ecosystem as any other, and coral reefs form a key component. “Coral reefs cover less than 1% of the world’s ocean surface area, but are home to about a third of all marine life,” points out Nayantara Jain, executive director of Reefwatch Marine Conservation. Reefwatch has been working for reef conservation since 1993, and has been a part of the National Board for Wildlife since 2007. Now, they want the public to be part of their operations too, and help with their unique project of restoring and rebuilding the South Andaman Island’s embattled reefs. How can you help? By becoming a reef guardian. […]

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