How B-Corp Certifications Change the Way We Consume

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How B-Corp Certifications Change Consumers

Companies that have “B-Corp” on their labels are putting in the work to do good for society and the environment. These certifications can help consumers make informed and sustainable decisions.

B-Corp certifications on products can help consumers make informed and sustainable purchasing decisions.
B-Corp certifications on products can help consumers make informed and sustainable purchasing decisions. Image: Freepik

Take a look at the label on some of your favourite eco-friendly products. From your Tentree t-shirt to your Danone yogurt, you may notice they have something in common. They both have a “B-Corp” on their label, which represents a B-Corp certification. B-Corp is a private certification for for-profit companies that reflect their belief that their purpose is not only to make a profit but for social and environmental good.

The B-Corp movement started in 2006. It was designed to change our economic system to support our collective goal of achieving an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. Today, over 6000 companies in 89 countries have received a B-Corp Certification. But becoming B-Corp certified is no easy task. A company must demonstrate high social and environmental performance. They must make a legal commitment to changing their corporate governance and to be accountable to all stakeholders. Finally, companies must be fully transparent about their performance.

To show societies their dedication to the environment and the planet, food and drink companies and restaurants are undergoing the process of receiving a B-Corp certification. One reason is that businesses recognize that customers expect their favourite brands to take action on societal issues, including climate change. They want to support brands that demonstrate values aligned with their own and might even be willing to take their business elsewhere if not.

Customers also don’t want to be lied to, especially when spending their money. Greenwashing is when companies lie about their environmental impacts to appear environmentally friendly to the general public. Because of B-Corp’s extensive certification and assessment process, you can be sure that these companies’ environmental claims are the real deal.

Moreover, B-Corp requires companies to be re-certified every three years. As trends and markets change, it allows companies an opportunity to improve their impacts and efforts. The B-Corp certification performance requirements will also continuously adapt to keep up with ongoing global issues.

It isn’t enough to simply put a B on a product and call it a day. Most consumers still aren’t familiar with what the “B” signifies. It is up to companies to help raise public awareness about B-Corp certification, whether on their website or through their advertising. Once consumers (especially those new to choosing do-good companies) gain familiarity with the “B,” it might help them make more sustainable decisions.

It’s important to note that just because a company isn’t B-Corp certified, they are not doing its job to protect the environment. As consumers, we are still responsible for researching, asking questions and making informed decisions. B- Corp certification helps the process. Because if a company puts the time and effort into applying for the certification and is successful in doing so, you can be confident that they are willing to do good for the planet and the people supporting them.

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