How affordable clean energy solutions can tackle energy poverty

How affordable clean energy solutions can tackle energy poverty
Reading Time: < 1 minute

As the energy industry makes the transition to clean energy it must consider costs for end users. Transition to clean energy must also tackle energy poverty around the world. Infrastructure investment needed to support this transition is beyond the reach of many countries. Low-income countries, like Colombia, are proving that low-cost solutions can achieve economic and environmental benefits. According to the United Nations, 700 million people (10% of the world’s population) still live in poverty. A shocking statistic by any account, but one that many of us forget as we get on with our busy lives and deal with our own personal stresses. What is less well known, or less discussed, is that people living in poverty need access to energy far more than their more affluent peers – to keep warm, to provide and prepare healthy food, and to access clean water. For those of us not living in poverty, access to energy is of course just as vital, but we have the means to provide warmth and food for ourselves and our families in multiple, easily accessible ways. We typically take these fundamental needs for granted. We in the energy industry focus so keenly on achieving the […]

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