Global Recycling Day – March 18

Global Recycling Day
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Global Recycling Day. Image Unsplash

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day is an annual event that takes place on March 18th. The day is dedicated to promoting the importance of recycling and reducing waste in our daily lives. Global Recycling Day was first established in 2018 by the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), a non-profit organization representing the global recycling industry.

The date of March 18th was specifically chosen to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the BIR’s founding. The BIR was established in 1948, and it is the oldest international trade federation in the recycling industry. The organization has been working for over 70 years to promote sustainable recycling practices and protect the environment.

Global Recycling Day aims to increase awareness about the benefits of recycling and encourage individuals, governments, and businesses to take action to reduce waste. The day is celebrated worldwide with various events and activities, including educational programs, community clean-up efforts, and recycling drives.

The history of recycling dates back to ancient times when people used to reuse materials to make new products. However, it was not until the early 20th century that the modern recycling industry began to develop. Today, recycling is essential to environmental sustainability efforts, as it helps conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and prevent pollution.

See also: Sustainable Housing that can be Recycled.

In conclusion, Global Recycling Day is an important reminder of the role that recycling plays in preserving our planet’s natural resources and protecting the environment for future generations. The day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and to encourage everyone to take action to reduce waste.

How to celebrate it:

  • Start recycling!
  • Teach others about the benefits of recycling.
  • Join a global recycling day event.
  • Develop new ways to reuse, recycle and repurpose what you already own.
  • Encourage your community leaders to implement and support recycling.

Fun Facts:

  • Recycling allows materials to be reused multiple times and reduces using new raw materials to create new products, which saves money and natural resources.
  • The recycling industry is projected to save approximately a billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2030.
  • Wood is the most recyclable material on the planet. It can be reused as a building material, made into mulch for landscaping, or pulp for papermaking.
  • Over 50% of the aluminum cans that are produced are recycled.
  • It can take just seven days for old magazines and newspapers to be recycled into new ones.


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