Germany produced less meat, more vegan alternatives in 2020

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Consumption of meat products is falling in Germany, while the meat substitute market is growing The total value of meat produced in Germany fell in 2020, the country’s Federal Statistics Office (Desatis) said on Friday. Meanwhile, the production of vegetarian and vegan substitute products in the country surged. What do the figures show? The total value of meat products in Germany came to €38.6 billion ($46.8 billion) last year. This is down 4% from the 10-year high in 2019 when Germany’s meat products had a total value of €40.1 billion, Destatis reported. Conversely, Germany’s meat substitute industry saw a boom. Companies produced almost 39% more meat substitutes in 2020 than in the previous year. Production rose from just under 60,400 tons to 83,700 tons — the equivalent of nearly 12,000 fully grown African elephants. The value of meat substitute products increased from €272.8 million to €374.9 million, or a 37% increase, in the same period. Destatis only began collecting data on the meat substitute industry in 2019, making this the first time that a comparison between two years was possible. Veggie discs and bloody beets: Future of meat What’s behind the meat production fall? The statisticians think the 2020 […]

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