Essential Tools To Build Your Own Deck
With all the resources available today, it is easier than ever to build many things for your home. If you want to build a deck, here are the essential tools you need.
Measuring Tools
Making a deck requires precision, and therefore, you need the right measuring tools. A measuring tape is a must, but you also need squares. A square is an essential tool for creating precise angles.
Be sure to get a Carbatec measuring tape that is as long as possible, as any measurement that is even slightly off can create a knock-on effect that can’t be fixed without undoing all the work you have already done.
You can’t do any building without a level. A level ensures everything you build is even and prevents any leveling mistakes that may occur, especially if you are building a large deck or one on uneven ground.
Unless you are renting heavy machinery, you will need a shovel to make holes for your support posts. While machinery will make this job quicker, it is also not as hard as you think with just a shovel.
If you are also trying to save money or stick to a budget, a good-quality shovel is a significant investment, but as previously mentioned, it is more than enough to get the job done.
Any seasoned DIY expert will tell you that you can never have enough clamps and that you will use them far more than you initially thought. Clamps can be used for everything from holding wood together while glue dries to keeping wood in place when cutting or drilling into it.
The more clamps you have, the better, but it is also important to know that it is far safer to use clamps instead of holding what you are cutting or drilling.
Circular Saw
If you are working with wood, the best and quickest way to cut it down to shape and size is to use a circular saw. These incredible pieces of equipment make cutting wood an absolute breeze and will make a massive difference when doing large projects like making a deck.
Circular saws are quite expensive, and if you aren’t planning on using it after your deck is finished, then you should choose to rent one instead of buying one outright.
A jigsaw is an ideal tool for more precision cutting or cutting different shapes and angles, such as squares and circles. Depending on the type of deck you are building, a jigsaw is great for creating different joints or points for attaching other pieces of your deck.
While a circular saw is expensive, a jigsaw can be quite affordable, and can also be used for multiple different jobs.
Power Drill
Unless you are a joint expert or you plan on using a ton of wood glue, you are going to need a power drill to secure everything together. It is important to note that it is more definitely not recommended that you secure your deck together by hand using screws and a screwdriver.
Put some research into the drill you are choosing, as it needs to be powerful and long-lasting. Once again, a drill is something you will use long after your deck is finished, and therefore, you should invest in one that will last for years.
Wood Sander
Sanding is something you are going to do a lot of when building a deck, and therefore, you need an electric wood sander to help you with this back-breaking job. While you can sand bits of deck by hand, it will take you ages to do the entire thing without an electric sander.
An electric sander also helps you get a professional-quality finish without needing years of expertise to do so. Once again, they are also fairly affordable and will save you a ton of time in the long run.
Staple/Nail Gun
Staple and nail guns can be used for a variety of jobs, and when building a deck, they can be used to temporarily connect pieces and keep them in place before you secure them properly.
Staple guns can be used to connect thin pieces of wood or material to major joints, while nail guns can be used to connect much larger pieces of material, connect the floorboards, be used in the base, etc.
Deck Hardware
Finally, you need a decent-sized selection of deck hardware. This will include screws, bolts, metal joiners, etc. With the amount of weight a deck will need to hold, you can’t rely on the strength of the wood alone to keep itself together.
This hardware will create incredibly strong and long-lasting connections and will also give the wood or other materials the strength it needs to hold up to the forces the deck will experience. It is best to consult an expert when choosing this hardware, as there is a safety aspect that needs to be considered.