Electronics can trigger a more circular, sustainable world – here’s how

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An employee displays a handful of shredded hard drive pieces, for e-waste processing. Transitioning the electronics sector to circular practices is complex but necessary for a more sustainable future. Re-using materials, adapting supply chains, and changing consumer perceptions will be challenging but key to ensuring a circular transition. We want a world where there is less – or ideally, no – waste. In this more ‘circular’ world, we take, make and recreate in continuous loops, preventing waste from ever entering landfills or polluting our environment. That approach can be a critical cog in tackling climate change, as a transition to renewable energy will only get us so far. If the world does not respond to the need for circularity then the resources needed for new products will not be as available as they currently are now. Over the past few years, however, the world has become less circular, as repeatedly stressed in the annual Circularity Gap Report . By not maximizing circularity, we are not maximizing the tools at our disposal to protect our resources and work toward decarbonisation. Applying circular strategies to the manufacturing of electronics is part of a much larger shift that needs to happen across […]

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