Dutch Trains 100% Renewable, Other Countries Follow

Dutch trains run on 100% renewable energy.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dutch trains run on 100% renewable energy. Image Pixabay.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In January 2017, the Dutch Railways Company NS made history by becoming the first railway company in the world to run entirely on renewable energy. This shift to 100% renewable energy, specifically wind power, is a significant step forward in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

The company partnered with Eneco, a Dutch-based renewable energy supplier, to source the energy from wind farms located in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Finland. This partnership is a milestone for the railway industry and sets an example for other countries and companies to follow.

The shift to 100% renewable energy was motivated by several factors. First and foremost, it was driven by the environmental benefits of renewable energy. By using wind power to fuel its trains, NS is helping to reduce its carbon footprint and mitigate climate change. This is a significant step for the Netherlands to meet its obligations set out in the Paris Agreement.

Secondly, the shift to renewable energy helps to reduce the company’s dependence on finite resources such as oil and gas. This is important because these resources are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive, and as shown by the Ukraine conflict, external forces can cause huge fluctuations in the cost of these resources. By investing in renewable energy now, NS is ensuring that it has access to a stable, affordable and sustainable energy supply for the future.

The shift to renewable energy by NS sets an example for other companies and countries to follow. By leading the way in the use of renewable energy for transportation, NS is helping to create a positive feedback loop, where increased demand for renewable energy leads to further investment and innovation in this area.

The shift to renewable energy is not limited to the Netherlands. Several other countries have made similar commitments, including Costa Rica, Iceland, and Uruguay. The entire country of Costa Rica has been running on 100% renewable energy since 2015, while Iceland and Uruguay have both achieved over 90% renewable energy in their power grids.

Other countries, such as Denmark, Germany, and Sweden, have also made significant progress towards a sustainable future. Denmark, for example, has set a goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2050 and has already achieved over 50% renewable energy in its power grid. Germany, on the other hand, has been investing heavily in wind and solar power and has achieved over 40% renewable energy in its power grid. Sweden has also made significant strides towards a sustainable future and has set a goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040.

The Dutch Railways Company NS has set an example for other companies and countries to follow by shifting to 100% renewable energy. This shift is motivated by the environmental benefits of renewable energy, the reduction of our dependence on finite resources, and the creation of a positive feedback loop that leads to further investment and innovation in this area. 

It is clear that the transition to renewable energy is not only necessary it is achievable right now if we just take action.

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