Climate heroes: the countries pioneering a green future

Climate heroes: the countries pioneering a green future
Reading Time: < 1 minute

hile the world must wait to see whether US president-elect Joe Biden can fulfil his election promise of a $2tn Green New Deal , nations elsewhere in the world are setting carbon-neutral targets and pushing ahead with mega-programmes to cut emissions, create jobs and reduce energy prices. Here are some of the regional frontrunners. Europe: Spain Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez is planning to shut 69% of the country’s coal-fired power stations by next year. Photograph: Manuel Bruque/EPA Under the coalition of its socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, Spain has picked up the pace from a jog to a run in its break from fossil fuels this year, and is now one of the countries leading the European pack. Last week, the government was the latest to announce plans to go carbon neutral by 2050 and it is overseeing one of the fastest shifts away from coal the world has seen. Over the coming three years, Spain has committed €27bn to green energy spending – a downpayment on the €750bn investment it forecasts will be needed to fund the move away from fossil fuels. By 2050, the decarbonisation strategy envisages a 90% reduction in emissions, the reforestation of 20,000 […]

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