Climate change: EU aims to be ‘climate neutral’ by 2050

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The European Union says it is aiming to become the first major economy to go "climate neutral" by 2050. Under the plan, emissions of greenhouse gases after that date would have to be offset by planting trees or by burying the gases underground. Scientists say that net-zero emissions by 2050 are needed to have a fighting chance of keeping global temperatures under 1.5C this century. The EU says the move will also cut premature air pollution deaths by 40%. CO2 rises for the first time in four years Trump dismisses US climate change report What is climate neutrality? Climate neutrality means your emissions are balanced by methods of removing warming gases from the atmosphere. So the warming emissions that are created by cars and power plants should be counteracted by the greenhouse gases removed from the air by the planting of new forests or through carbon capture technologies which would see the CO2 buried underground. Getting to this point would require large cuts in emissions from the current position. Since 1990 the EU has cut its emissions by over 20% while the economies of member states have continued to grow. They have set themselves much harder targets for 2030 […]

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