Bryan Link says the mystery plants in the Rathnelly neighbourhood have become a ‘community garden’ CBC Radio August 16 Excerpt: Bryan Link was walking his dog down his street when he first noticed something growing inside the big, ugly sinkhole that had been a blight on his Toronto neighbourhood for months. “Had to do a bit of a double-take because what I thought were probably weeds turned out to be tomatoes,” Link, who lives near Rathnelly Ave. and Poplar Plains Crescent, told As It Happens guest host Matt Galloway. The plants, which Link says were planted earlier this summer by “somebody with a good sense of humour,” have since blossomed into big, juicy green fruit. He said it’s a big improvement over the gaping hole that was several feet deep — the result of nearby construction. “They’re doing extremely well,” Link said. “I think it’s the perfect spot.” Read the complete article here. The second annual Urban Agriculture Tour was made up of ten stops around the city, covering topics such as permaculture, hot composting, and container gardening. By Rebekah Lesko Global News Excerpt: When James moved into her apartment she was given two parking spots, but the Saskatoon […]
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