Bellona’s Russian nuclear project celebrates its 25th anniversary

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The Lepse. Bellona’s nuclear project is a tale of how a Norwegian organization and the world community helped Russia dispose of Soviet radioactive waste. The Chernobyl disaster of 1986 was one of the reasons the Bellona Foundation came to be. In its homeland, the organization engaged in spectacular protests against Norwegian industries that were polluting the environment. But they were also concerned about their proximity to the Soviet Union and its military activities, which threatened the entire region. Above all, the Norwegians were worried by nuclear testing on Novaya Zemlya and the presence of the Northern Nuclear Fleet. During the Cold War, Norway had no influence over the nuclear and radiation safety of the Arctic region. With the advent of Glasnost, Bellona was presented with the opportunity to spread information and take practical action. It was this that gave our comprehensive nuclear project a start. 1994-2000 The year 1994 marks the beginning of Bellona’s nuclear project. The year prior, Bellona had published its first report – nicknamed the Black Report – entitled “Sources of Radioactive Contamination in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions.” The presentation of the Black Report (from left to right: Thomas Nilsen, Frederic Hauge, Nils Bøhmer, Igor […]

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